You should to be good enough for you to see and a regular mer we have the answer for you from flock site the cool thing about this is you have a regular mere there for when you want to use it but you have the 10 times.
Travel Mirror |
Magnification that is the largest I have ever seen for a mirror for in home use it's almost like having your own personal microscope to see everything you need to see on your face this 1's a lighted it folds so you can take it with you too easy payments of $20 a month the 31957 Brooke mills is here bringing it to us and you bring all kinds of great ideas to make us feel better in our homes and our lives so good morning learning a martial Ariana right to be here this you know my personal passion yeah 10 times magnification specifically from flock site because just because you can get 10 times magnification up there doesn't mean they're using the highest quality distortion free glass and this is the same glass that flocks that uses in its really expensive designer Mears each combining high and apartments passing glass more affordable price if and I love that this is in the morning show in everyone's getting ready yeah but flock site does they make the best magnification glass by far in the industry and they're known for their distortion free glass so when you think of distortion free nothing of each D. quality glass because you're going to get crystal clear images and we're giving you 1 time magnification and 10 times magnification nice LED light which mimics sunlight on both sides but and there's so much to talk about this but first what you just have to check yes can year make it merited events.
Fold up folds up flat is that incredible so technique you with you because when you go to a hotel you're going somewhere for a business meeting if you're going to somebody someone's house family members may be for the holidays you wanna look your best the only way to look your best to know what's going on with your face yeah and it's nice to know what's going on before anyone else does track but it's perfectly in your makeup bag but what I want to show you didn't now that I just toss that around this is like under 2 inches by the way when you open it up. Right here there's too little storage areas you can see that so you can keep your tweezers you're cuter even your travel size brushes spitting lyrics your lip gloss and your earrings I love keeping my jewelry here Zuniga's how many times a day get try to get dressed in the morning and you put on your necklace and you miss the look yeah he tried again anti missile and you try to get up to a mirror and your eyes just still aren't working you the way you want them to work this will be able to do that for you take a look at vats. Okay this could be representative that follows on the tennis ball that's presented of of the hairs on the face yet that's the one time 9 medication but now I want to show you.
10 times magnification. So you can see me look at that so imagine if those of the hairs on the face you're gonna be able to see those hair so easily and then you're going to be able to remove them as well. May I also bring to your attention you see here are going to show you this in the background 7 the background this is what distortion free is all about move those are our monitors that we look at to help us out with how much time we have left in a presentation of the camera shot coming up 200 feet away is that and that is not distorted back there that is what distortion free glass is all about it's true you want us to really be here this is a everything that's a look at this house with this and that. And it's distortion free from ram to ram him and also what's great about this it is fully adjustable.
Because we don't always sit at the same seat we're not always at the same table sometime soon to stand up and lean ending get closer actually see those hairs and yeah you'll see everything. And it's not just the hairs to I don't know what I would do in terms of makeup if I didn't have this marriage because I'm a perfectionist when it comes to my eyelashes I don't want to have any luscious sticking together now and so to do with the regular mere you're leaning in your like sitting on the counter at some comfortable you can put this whatever you want in when you get in there and you look at those lashes if they look perfect with your mascara and this 10 times magnification they're going to look ultra super HD perfect into regular people who are viewing.
Here's the little girl that you want to see my nonna popsicle stick this year include the lighting Matthew was perfect lighting in the bathroom nobody not may but so this is LED light and it mimics of sunlight. So if you see how the light is actually directing right on my face it's not going to fill the room with him so you're going to get that perfect leading every time if you want you can take it over to the window runs on 4 double a batteries that are encoded by the way so you can take it wherever you want like I said you can travel with it but the fact is that you're going to get that Chris. Clear image with amazing lighting and it does have the amazing lighting and it is on both sides to which I think is important I will tell you just before we go off to the phones if you have never seen yourself content times magnification.
Take a deep breath. It may surprise you know that's okay innocents it's good to be surprised because what you want is to grab that hair and see it before somebody else does even if it sometimes it's like oh I only see it when I'm in the sunlight and it's like you know I'm in the car and I'm getting ready to go to work give your bill team sunlight in here so you will find that hair eye shadow will be perfect for something that you're looking at the wrinkles on your face you try to treat different areas and do different things you will see your face in a way that you probably never thought you would but it is so worth it because this helps you to make your face. Perfect as you can possibly get it and that's all we can really ask for out of a mere distortion free glass the same found in the very very expensive flock sites 9 department stores and an affordable and a portable package you can take with you we got genet from Georgia good morning to you ms chin that Sharon this is Brooke how are you today. Good morning ladies some dude great thank you then have you tried 10 times magnification before. I yes I have a little hand held one but I made one that on the fan let me to hand you know course.
Chorus and so is the one that you already have from flock siders going to be your first time with this brand. Is this is the first time but knowing the quality with QVC I'm all for it yeah you know what I think you're going to be extremely pleased because there's a lot of magnification mirrors that are out there but when I got my first flock site it's what I've been using for years this is a work force and when you get this at home this will be all you need for years and years to kind you'll be able to see the difference immediately yeah really well yeah oh I'm looking forward to it because. I just had the 5 on the stand without the mirror right now and the. I need to 10 yeah to really feel that they've been a little areas like you're saying with the song around your eyes hidden your lips thing are you crave BM 65 those who you know how that is yeah the C. M. of the the extras you need to to look closely and I do enjoy make up morass and but I don't want it all over my face you know the.
Exactly this scene for doing things like lip liner you will be able to get the most. Precise line and it does all the work for you because you're just look in that mirror and makes it look so big that you can see exactly what you're doing if you're getting that line perfect when people see your face in in real time without magnification it looks like you got all your stuff pull together I mean I really don't know what I would do without mine so I hope you really enjoy this. I'm sure will and I appreciate it thank you so much our pleasure take Arizona. The fine but by. And 1500 of these have now been spoken for and broke I think there really is something to be said for.
Being able to take your tweezers because that that's another one of those cold hard reality miserable joke things for women as we get older that these little icon only Jews into popping up in your face and you can feel it. Can't see it if you can't see it you can't grab it and here you can see worst when you get into the car you looking your reviewer mariner like how what and someone tell me yeah and as we get older we have more more things that we need to address on her face. And what we need to see winning great magnification yeah and great lighting great lighting that's what this is giving him yeah fully adjustable and that's what's beautiful is fully adjustable my did earlier to Mexican award you can pick it up what I heard to get over to the sunlight at the right easier like letting me highlighting and that you can take it over to a window if you really want to see how something works in the sunlight and the best part 2 is you have to little places right here and meet with you know we're actually starting to get a little limited has what we can ship out to you immediately so if you want this for the holidays we want to get it as a holiday gift holiday gift return policy is already in effect so have no fear about that Bonilla that these 2 little trays in your that you can put different pieces of make up Q. tips. Jewelry earrings things like that and when you put the whole thing can turn this off and took the whole thing together care that goes with you my cousin the plane you know your contacts you really your content of this is much easier in the morning legitimacy someone when you're walking and you see that a woman with a line here the foundation line the line of demarcation and we do not want that it's not because that's how they think they're making should be put on it's because they can't see it so this is really going to give you the ability to have even application. You know I am leaning in what species funny that you say that because.
I think when we see somebody like that miss store it doesn't really occur to me that. You know they just couldn't seem what they were doing right and that they probably knew they'd be so embarrassed I just consider for a second. Along with eat it easy I Love Lucy I'm sorry I don't have any reason. Yes a pumpkin in his hand it so no one on that could be you you'll think it's you but we look at those people and he just thing to suffer second my gosh that could be me it's not gonna be you if you bring a smear home you will see everything you desire and maybe some other things you don't desire to see but that's okay because you know you will look perfect when you leave the house perfect as you can possibly look this mere help to do it yeah you're going to have that confidence when he walked away that you know exactly what's going on and you know I I wanted to say I have fun I made up what I call the flux I test okay so you put on your makeup in the mirror with the one time bank occasion okay you got already and then when you're done you turn it around to the 10 times magnification and many see everything you Deborah.
Yeah he did you pass your dance craze CD about the death of monthly test. You see the hairs that are right the I have a stomach that's not going on correctly yeah unless you're 16 years old and wearing no make up and you have great skin yeah probably not gonna pass the flex a test by the way how many. We started with 3700 of these. We have fewer than 1300 remaining and I will also mention. Too easy pace of $20 a month we don't always have easy pay on this and if you really want to be able to stretch out those payments or get more than once maybe pick up one for yourself and one for a gift for your best friend to your mom or your daughter or somebody college is in a lot of people going up to college.
We love this holiday is a cop is way with the mayors and the light is seriously and I'm back and its major real estate and you can tuck this away I mean look you folded up turnoff you folded up put it underneath your saying with here yeah put it in a drawer and you said goats under 2 inches high too just like any other leader tweezers in there you can allow a whole little roaming cat rate in there because those entrees yeah and I lose my earrings my knuckles and there take it with you economic health Levitt eyeliner runs on the batteries if you would like to use those to a 4 double a batteries and it includes the 4 double a batteries to. Started and then of course you can find those anywhere but the reason that I think this is so great is because you can go out into the marketplace place and find 10 times magnification. Is it with a very highly specialized distortion free glass or is it just with whatever that gives you 10 times magnification.
This to me from flock site is the basket. 10 times magnification mir I have ever used have a different model of this but the glass is the same the glass is the same because the glass just works me don't need to change our make the class better but it is it is the best that there is and that's why the flocks it nears have been so incredibly popular on QVC fewer than 1 of these now remain in weekly started with close to 4 of them so don't let them disappear this is my personal pick up the show today because you really need to have something like this in your life to make the most out of your skin and your makeup and everything else and make your mornings easy I'm about them let's take the morning ZZ 30 great. Coming up. For a second presentation Marshall this morning in less than 15 minutes another look at our today's special value which is 3 total pieces the cute little please see jacket you get the breathable shirt you get the lightning quick part is we have a regular and sweet lengths.
Perfectly proportioned both tops and bottoms for what your height happens to be so what's going to happen shortly but in the meantime we're gonna throw it over to Dan which is a great gift idea.